Serving Iowa Since 1999

Vacation Checklist

Before you head out of town on vacation, we know that you’ll have a lot on your mind. Packing for yourself and perhaps the rest of your family, being sure that Fido has someone to feed him, budgeting, and the sheer excitement of travel! Though our staff at ProRestore DKI in Grimes are well versed at clean up after fires, floods, and other disasters, we know that you want to avoid them, and for that we offer FIVE steps you should take before leaving your home for an extended period of time.

Be sure to unplug electronics! Yes, this will save you slightly on electricity, but the real reasons are to prevent fires and to prevent a possible short out, should there be a storm whilst you are gone.

Shut off your pipes, especially if you live in a cold area and are leaving at a time when they might freeze. Be sure that you take precautions with your water system. The last thing you want is to come home to a house in standing water!

Stopping your mail or having someone pick it up is another recommendation. There are a few reasons for this. You might get a package left on your doorstep that you would very much like to have. Don’t leave it sitting outside for a week. Second, a weeks worth of mail piled up will give possible intruders the hint that you are not home.

Be careful of what you put on social media! Speaking of possible criminals, we need to be careful how much we put out there for everyone to see. Even if on your social media, you have settings so that only people you “know” can see your posts, you can’t be too careful. Don’t give away too much information.

Get a friend to help! You can and should, however, tell someone trusted. See if you can get someone to either stay in your home, or at the least, come by and check on it daily. They can then be responsible for taking in your mail, checking on your pipes, and turning on and off different lights to give the appearance that someone is home.

These suggestions are nothing new, but our friendly way at ProRestore DKI Grimes to remind you that we are here for you. Should you come home and find that things are not as you left them, remember us, and that we are prepared to help with all of your property restoration needs. Give us a call, (888) 846-6505.