Serving Iowa Since 1999

Surviving Cold Weather

It’s all over the news that the unusual cold weather is due to a new word for everyone: Polar Vortex. Which basically is cyclone that descended from the north pole to break temperature records.

A dramatic example of this is that guy who threw boiling water at a -21 into the air to show how it will instantly freeze (Don’t try this at home). Just another proof that these are life threatening temperatures.

Even though Iowa is not affected by this unusual phenomenon we are no strangers to blizzards and heavy snow! That’s why here at DKI Pro Restorewe have a few tips so you can survive this cold weather.

Stay Indoors

Yes, this is very obvious one but did you know that skin freezes in less than half an hour at a temperature of -13! Hypothermia and frostbite are the most common problems you can come across. Stay hydrated and avoid drinking coffee and alcohol!


Since you will be staying at home for a while you want it to be warm and extreme weather sometimes means power outages that could be a nightmare! Be prepared with a generator that will ensure electricity for you and your family!


Keep your head always covered, you can lose up to 40% of body heat! Neck, wrists and ankles are also a source of heat loss so keep them protected!When it comes to clothing wear it loose and in layers. Tight clothing will reduce your blood circulation that could end up in cold injury. By wearing layers you will prevent overheating that will make you sweat producing humidity that will decrease the insulation of your clothing.

Through its history Iowa has witnessed how destructive the power of nature can be. If your house suffers any damage and you are looking for snow damage restoration in Iowa the DKI Pro Restore team is well trained to repair your property from any disaster related emergency!

If you are in need give us a call to our emergency number 1.888.846.6505 where we will be happy to help you through those rough times