Serving Iowa Since 1999

Reduce Energy Consumption in Your Home

Whether you’re trying to be more environmentally friendly or just trying to save some money on your utilities, reducing the consumption of energy in your home is always a great idea. Making a few small changes can go a long way in saving energy, but there are also larger projects that help in the long run. At Prorestore DKI in Grimes, we understand the importance of being energy smart. We have put together some tips to help you in your quest to reduce energy consumption at home.

Turn it off

As you go about your busy day, it’s easy to forget to turn off unnecessary electronics that can be wasting energy. Remember to open the blinds and let in natural light instead of relying on light bulbs. If you do have a light on, turn it off as you leave the room. Invest in LED lightbulbs which have longer lives and are more energy efficient. Make sure the television is turned off if no one is watching it and that computers are switched off when not in use. Games consoles use a lot of energy but are often left on while not in use. If this is a problem in your home, you can set your game consoles to power off automatically after an hour of inactivity. Check the console’s settings to make sure you’re doing your best to save energy.

Unplug it

Many people don’t realize that appliances that are plugged in but not in use still consume energy. Unplug appliances that aren’t used often and only plug them in when you need them. Phone chargers and countertop kitchen appliances are examples of items that shouldn’t be constantly plugged in. Other appliances that are used regularly but don’t need to be plugged in constantly should also be unplugged. Desktop computers can remain plugged in, but set them to energy saving modes that will put them to sleep or hibernate after being inactive for a designated amount of time.

Get an evaluation

A certified evaluator can inspect your home and find areas of improvement. An evaluator can teach you how to reduce power usage and save more money on your utilities. You can learn about home improvement projects that not only save you money, but also promise cash rebates. You can ask an evaluator about alternative energy production methods, such as solar panels, and see if they’re the right fit for your home.

Be sure to check out some useful advice on electrical safety in your home.

Most of these energy saving suggestions are quite easy to achieve, but if you need extra help on larger projects, such as construction services, water restoration or damage restoration, don’t hesitate to contact Prorestore DKI in Grimes at (888) 846- 6505.